Wednesday, October 12, 2005

My nightmares...

So, like I said, I am so new to this blogging thing. Since my first post, I have started to actually read some of these things. Some are so frickin hysterical, I can spend a whole day reading. But then I see why no one has even read mine. Not that I'm writing this for anyone else but me, still, it would be
Today I have plans to start fall cleaning outside. NOT that it will help this crap pile I call a home. But, appearences seem to matter. I will at least make the attempt, by God. I live in a double wide mobile home. It was manufactured in 1983. It is pretty much shot to hell. I have lived here for exactly 10 years this month. It has really been thru the figure when we moved in here, my kids were 6 and 3 and the little one was still in my tummy. As they grew up, they thoroughly trashed the place. Walls, floors, cabinets....did anyone warn me that kids are very destructable???? Hell no.....Do my kids listen to me when I yell at them NOT to carve their names in the wall?? again, HELL no.....
I thought with four hurricanes coming thru here last hurricane season, my prayers would be answered....take out the place thru an act of GOD...right? Of course not...I don't know what I was thinking, seeing as how in the beginning of August of 2004 we had a fire in the living room. It didn't burn down. It was an accident; no power, oil lamp burning, dog fight in the middle of the living room. Mobiles are supposed to burn to the ground in 7 minutes. I was outside for half an hour before I noticed smoke...duh....I called 911. Firetrucks come. I had about a foot by foot square of burned carpet, and one side of my computer desk burned. Thats it. I'm thankful, don't get me wrong. Really. I have alot of memories in this house. Pictures, know. But its just the irony of it all.
So on to the rest of hurricane season. First one, Charlie. We evacuated to my brother-in-laws house. Storm turns. Back home we, dogs, stuff. The whole thing. Again, thankful we are all alive, but still standing.
Next comes Frances. Went to my mother in laws house. Hubby stays home with the dogs...last time was a right pain in the ass. So he stays. Within two hours, at moms, we lose the power. Hour after that, out goes the cable. I grab the cell and dial up hubby. Nope, its all good. Powers on, cables on. Throughout the night, he calls with updates. We are sweating our asses off, he's nice and comfy. Great. Two storms down, one more to go.
Jeanne. Needless to say. Me, kids, dogs, hubby...we all stay home. Never lose power or cable. Call mom on cell with updates, as she has nothing. Go frickin figure.
Now, I really don't mean to trivialize the storms. After Katrina...what can I say...we were so lucky...I really can't imagine....but I DO know that I have had nightmares that Katrina came here instead of there....same catastrophe....only thing trailer stayed dry..w/ power and cable no less....GO FIGURE.
smart ass remarks

1 smart ass remarks

smart ass remarks Blogger Lolita

Careful - blogging can become addictive, and entire evenings can be spent reading other blogs...

Just thought I'd warn you!

17 October, 2005 22:28  

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