Wednesday, October 19, 2005

depression day

Today im just going to will be alot of rambling but I am so depressed today...everyday life is hard enough..but when you have a fight w/ the one you love, its just so much harder...
I don't even know what happened...and really, i don't think it much matters..the fact is, it can you love someone so much, and then the next thing you know you have all these hateful feelings?? Kids, bills, storms coming, dogs barking, phone ringing...its all so damn stressful...and then you say something stupid, and then your in the car, driving...not knowing what the hell just happened?? and then you start thinking...i don't really have anyone to go talk to...friends?? not best friend is my sister-in-law, and sometimes i just don't want to go to her when im fighting w/ her brother...and other than that, i just have aquaintences...god......i just feel so alone right now...I really just feel helpless and scared...
every other day, im the one that people go to when they need someone to talk, i guess i have this blog to vent at...but it can't tell me that everything's going to be okay...that he really does love me, he's just as stressed out as i am....but what if this time, its not going to be okay? we have fought before...everyone that is married or in a relationship fights...but it just seems like everyone i know is divorced, or getting could happen, right? and i know im just being stupid or over emotional, i don't know...i just can't help feeling down...he's never gone to work w/out saying goodbye...
I am not feeling the love right just feeling sad, scared, pissed off and a whole host of other things....and i can't seem to stop would be so easy to pick up the phone, call and say im sorry...but i don't think i did anything to be sorry about, and if i did would just be a temporary fix....why all the fighting lately? is it really just the bills and lack of money that's stressing us out? or is it that he really is unhappy? I know i am unhappy most of the time...but not w/ him...just life in general...i don't know how to fix this...i don't know how to get out of this rut...I really feel like nothing is going to get better, ever....
This has to be a passing thing...i cant feel like this too easy going to stay like this...i guess i just need to feel sorry for myself for a little while..pick myself back up...and move on...
feeling this way is not going to make things any better, that's for damn sure...I gotta figure this out and move on...
tomorrow is another can only get better, right?
smart ass remarks

4 smart ass remarks

smart ass remarks Blogger Gaelin

feelin better yet? God i hate fighting with the 'significant other'. They balance you out and then when there's no communication it feels like you come unhinged...How long have you been married for? Sometimes little stresses can become so big that you just can't see past them. I hope you guys can figure it out. I think the hardest part of a successful marraige is weathering out the times when there's no good feelings at all.

20 October, 2005 11:52  
smart ass remarks Blogger Kirsten

I am 37 and have been with him since I was 15..we have been married 14 years...your right, they are really petty new post...I think I must be PMS'ing...i have to be....

20 October, 2005 13:45  
smart ass remarks Blogger Gaelin

You know it's ok to whine...Sometimes it's the only way to clarify what the real problems are. If you try and pretend that its all hunky-dory, but somewhere inside you are all in pieces then things get pretty nasty.

I can't believe you've been married for so long! My longest relationship so far was with the kids father (5 years) but thats so over.

You keep mentioning the approaching storm. Are you guys going to be affected by the hurricane?

20 October, 2005 16:03  
smart ass remarks Blogger Kirsten

regarding the hurricane, we are waiting for an update in about 15 minutes..the way it looks, it will hit south of where I live, but there is always a possibility that it won't turn when they expect...if it turns later, and hits more north of where its projected, then yes, i will have the storm...keeping my fingers I can't believe we've been together so long either...scary, huh?

20 October, 2005 16:46  

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