Thursday, October 20, 2005

What a whiner I am...

Reading my last entry, I really have to say that I sound quite pathetic...In the big scheme of things, my fight with my husband was ridiculous. We love each other, I know deep in my heart that that will never change. My emotions sometimes get the better of me, and yesterday is the perfect example.

When he got home from work, I gave him a big hug, looked into his eyes and told him that I was really sorry, and that without a doubt, I loved him more than life itself...of course, he said sorry too, and life went back to normal....
I have been reading a blog by someone named Sean...he writes so well...his story about him and the woman he loves is heartbreaking..I have to say that I don't think I thought that a man could talk about his emotions so well...and then be able to write it down, too...I am amazed....but I think about him alot...and I think its so sad...but then I think..if my husband could talk about his feelings, we wouldn't have so many problems....cuz he doesn't talk...he says that he loves me, that that should be all that matters....but we don't ever talk...about things...we don't agree about anything when it comes to disciplining our kids...and he doesn't fix things around the house anymore...when he is done working, he is done...thats it...he lays on the couch in his boxers...and sleeps....
God..I'm doing it again...all that SHOULD matter to me is that he loves me, we are both healthy....we have three beautiful healthy children....why is it that I need more?? I can't just be happy...a big storm is heading to my state...all could be lost...and I can't just be grateful for what I have....I just wish I knew why I am so damn miserable...Is it just PMS???? If it is I really need to look into getting medicated...cuz It is stupid....most days..I am just happy...I don't need more...then other days it just gets to me...
I really need to get over myself...people have it sooo much worse than me..just have to remember that guy in New Orleans who lost his wife, cuz he just couldn't hold on anymore and be happy....
If I say it will happen.....
Do I even make sense?????