Wednesday, October 26, 2005

A little bit about my family.....

So, here I am, updating my blog...I really wish I had wonderful insites and such, since people actually read this thing, but what can I say?...I am who I
My son stayed home from school today...gotta love the weather change..I know "they" say that weather doesn't cause a cold, a virus does, but whatever..whenever it starts to get cold, the kids get sick...everywhere...One of my triplet nephews was in the hospital over the weekend, cuz when he gets sick, he gets really sick...The triplets were born two and a half months premature, weighing less than two pounds each...and they really struggled in the beginning...but the one, Jacob...well he was really bad...he died twice, but came back struggling harder and harder every day, until he won the fight...only problem was 2 grade 4 brain bleeds..which means he has severe cerebral palsy...He truly is a gift from God, and when I am having a bad day, I try to remember everything he has had to go thru, and I try to be a stronger person...his brothers, Jeremy(my godson, whom I call Bear) is the biggest and Joshua, are both totally fine...they have a little asthma..but other than that, they are pretty rough and tumble 6 year olds....all three are in 1 grade at the same school, but Jacob is in special ed...he loves loves loves going to school...He doesn't walk on his own but he has a special stander, and he zooms alllll over the place in that thing...he loves to hear motorcycles rev...and anything that makes a loud noise...He can say a few words..bye bye and school are his favorites...and he is the biggest flirt in the world...He plays up his handicap alot when there's a pretty girl around...he really knows how to work it...He is definately a trip..All three of the boys call me Aunt CoCo..cuz they can't say my real name..which is Kirsten by the case you get tired of calling me Just
So those are my little nephews...My bear says I am his favorite aunt...gotta love that...That's why in my original post, I said they were the light of my life...when they first came home from the hospital...jeremy first, then joshie, then Jacob...I was there every morning at 7 am...left at 6 at night...for three little one Elizabeth came with me daily, too...she loved helping to feed them...all the monitors they were on, and two on oxygen...It never fazed her...she just treated them like there were no problems at all....she was only three at the time...Her name is Elizabeth, and they call her Libby...the only one of my kids' names that didn't get changed by them is my son, Douglas...they call him daughter Stephanie they changed to Tess...My oldest is very protective of Jacob...each of my kids had their "own" baby...Steph's was Jacob, Doug's was Joshie and Libby is Jeremy...they are all close...very close...They spend weekends together at their grandma's house...along with other other nephews...Chris, Corey and Casey...I know, the C boys are not triplets, their parents are just we have the J boys and the C boys, then my funny when you think about it...My mother in law is a saint when you stop and think about it....she has 2 6 year olds...(jacob can't sleep out over nite...he still has too much equipment.. and allergies) 2 16 year daughter and nephew are both 16...corey who is 15 and my son 13 and Casey is 12...I don't three drive me, I do babysit the J boys, and bring my kids, so thats six altogher...but its different... son said I am writing way to guess I just wanted to talk about my family a little bit...brag, should I wild a bunch as they are...they are all very good kids...each special in their own way...And I thank God everyday for all of them....
Update on Wilma...the south of Florida is reporting 3 million customers without power...which is why blogger Sean hasn't been writing...that's my thought, anyway...

Well...I hope everyone has a great day....I plan to enjoy the weather change...even If it makes everyone sick....I LOVE THE COOLER WEATHER!!!! Makes me a happy
smart ass remarks

2 smart ass remarks

smart ass remarks Blogger Gaelin

Howdy. Good to hear about your family, they sound amazing. You guys must have the most awesome Christmases, with all the kids and all the parents together. I come from a pretty small family, comparitively, and it just keeps getting smaller. Guess I gotta wait for my kids to grow up and make babies of their own! 'Nother 20 years or so. Your nephew with the cerebral palsy sounds like he is doing a great job of grounding you guys in the 'here and now'. People like that really are a blessing :)

27 October, 2005 11:45  
smart ass remarks Blogger Kirsten

every holiday w/ the gang is something...its all so frenzied, but in a good way, you know what I mean? And yeah, jacob keeps us all grounded...that's for sure...he is definately a trip...he was kept home from school all week, and he is bitchin' up a storm about that..he wants to go to school NOW!!!lol

27 October, 2005 13:50  

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