Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Its a new day

So, enough of me being over gotta get a grip

This is just a short post today...I was taking my daughter to school this morning, thinkin about nothin much when I noticed the crossing guard lady. Now, mind you, I talk to this woman every day...she is a trip, and I would imagine in a social setting would be hillarious to hang out with.

But let me just say, her job has to suck...she stands there, rainy, cold, hot, it doesn't matter, she stands there and takes care of these kids, making sure none of them are going to get hit by these idiots driving around. She is just plain, flat out good at what she does. And I know this, because she has missed a few days here and there, getting struck down with the occasional bug, and vacation days. When she is not here, that line at the school is unbelievable. She jokes with me about it, like if she's taking a day off, she warns me a good week in advance. "I'm not gonna be here next Friday...glad you don't know where I live, or you'd hunt me down, and smack me around" hehehheheh...ya think she might know me, just a little??...hehehhe...but truly, when she's not there, they have this giant of an old man replace her....let me just say that he can't direct traffic for shit. Anyone gone by an elementary school during drop off or pick up time???? Its not a fun place to be...but since this lady started, which was school year last year, there has been NO problems, AT ALL....I have never been more than 10 minutes dropping off the kids...the worst time is after school...and I don't drive thru the loop...I park across the street, walk up..get the kids, and we walk back to the truck...5 minutes, tops...I shit you
I just had to give the woman some props....Is there a day?? Ya know, like secretaries day, mom's day...grandparents of them?? I don't recall ever having a crossing guard day....anyone out there know of something her category would fit in?? Is there like a school nonteaching appreciation day? ahhh well...
that's all...just thought I would

Have a great day...and I think that today is MIKE of Rambling thoughts, its his birthday, I hope I'm right, anyways, cuz I already went to his page and said happy birthday...

Talk to ya later

:)Just me
smart ass remarks

2 smart ass remarks

smart ass remarks Blogger Kirsten

LOL...too funny...oh and sean...regarding your past comment at the previous entry...yeah...for some insane reason, you usually are always about a kick in the not about red bein a dumb ass...lmao..

I was sick yesterday, fever cough achy...gotta hate the flu...but am feelin a little better today..damn these kids for bringin home write more on monday, probably...have a great weekend everyone..
Love ya's
:)Just me

10 February, 2006 08:59  
smart ass remarks Blogger Diayah

I was a crossing guard and yes I was a patrol but I was a capt lol.. after I paid my dues of working through the rain, and sleet, and hurricanes.. no ever!..I always have to be important! and no Sean I was not Capt dumbass.. I was a bad ass.. I was one of the only girls.

I am sorry to hear your sick K. The flu sucks .. I know I experience it everyday.

10 February, 2006 20:22  

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