Friday, February 17, 2006

Off topic for me,

I reallly reallly had to laugh when I read my paper this morning...Not too many things trip my trigger that early for me, but I have to say, this one made me snort my precious DD coffee...

SO, my local paper is the St. Petersburg Times. Today, I pick up the paper and go to my first section, the funnies..LOL...yeah, I never claimed to be an intellect, people...But the front page of the section had these words in big bold print, "Hold me closer, Tony Danza"..and then around it, a bunch of other f* up things like "But the chair is not my son" "Midnight after you're wasted" "I won't be your pizza burger" and "Be poised and quiet be poised and quiet" look at my cup of coffee and I'm like "WHAT THE HELL????"what did those guys do to my coffee??? needless to say, I had to read this thing...It was fricken hysterical...
The Times pop music critic, Sean Daly had written the article...if I knew how to post a stupid link, I would do it, but Hello...its me, here...and Stephs at school, so Im kinda SOL..but I will give you a quick synopsis of the story
In a nut shell, its about how people butcher songs when they sing them. His song that he had been singing wrong all these years was Bon Jovi's "Living on a prayer"...he had been singing the first line of Tommy used to work on the docks as..get this..."Tell me is the world gonna die!!"....I really had to laugh, cuz I have done that soooo many times....not to that song actually, but as I continued to read, it was basically more of people's versions of what they thought the song was....and it was just soo funny...and it actually has a technical name.

"According to author Gavin Edwards, who wrote the 1995 book "Scuse me While I kiss This Guy: And Other Misheard Lyrics...the technical term is Mondegreen. It was coined more than 50 years ago by an Atlantic writer, Sylvia Wright." Anyways...I'm not gonna copy the whole story, cuz I just don't want to type the whole thing..but it was hysterical...The answers, btw, to those phrases I started out you know them??? Take a guess...I think I only knew two of them, but if you think, really hard, its kinda obvious....
So, I guess the whole point of this was, Do you know a song that YOU do that too?? I have so many that are too embarassing to mention; that, and I really can't think of one right now, cuz the only thing going thru my head is that Tell me is the world gonna die tune....I can't get it out of my

So, the answers are:
1. Hold me closer, tiny dancer...Tiny Dancer, Elton John
2. But the kid is not my son....Billy Jean, Micheal Jackson
3. Midnight at the oasis...Maria Muldaur
4. I'll never be your Beast Of Burden...The Stones
5. BIg Boys Don't Cry...I'm Not in Love, 10cc

There were a few more, but you get the gist of what I'm saying...toooo funny...If I could get Bon Jovi out of my mind, I would tell ya some of mine..And I will when I
anyways...I just had to share my morning laugh...the critic has a blogspot which he says he posted this very question on, but I didn't find it...I didn't really look long, tho...its
I did actually check out some of it, and found it hysterical....Anyways...that's all from me for now...I gotta get some stuff done around this house...I will talk to ya all later..
and have a great day!!

:)Just me
smart ass remarks

5 smart ass remarks

smart ass remarks Blogger Diayah

I do that with everything actually...having a 20 decible hearing loss can be fun.. I often hear things wrong if a place is too noisy, too dark, or if someone does not face me when their talking.
I know I do this with songs as well but I can't think of one right now.. I am supposed to be packing not blogging!!

17 February, 2006 22:04  
smart ass remarks Blogger Kirsten

LOL...too funny Sean...that was my first thought too...Have a great day

20 February, 2006 10:32  
smart ass remarks Blogger Ashburnite

I can't think of any songs that I have messed up the lyrics to, but I can think of a word- when I was younger and people were talking about "euthanasia," I thought they were saying "youth in Asia." Always wondered what the big deal was about youth in Asia! haha.

21 February, 2006 08:20  
smart ass remarks Blogger Ashburnite, Mike, and Diayah are all slacking with the blogs. Come on peeps, I am bored at work and need to read about other people's lives. So entertain me!! haha

21 February, 2006 15:06  
smart ass remarks Blogger Ashburnite

so Sean, why was it that you stopped writing? You could probably make a whole blog out of all the comments you leave on Kirsten's and Bri's blogs. :-)

23 February, 2006 09:50  

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