Monday, April 10, 2006

Ahh...peace and quiet

SO....its been a really hectic last couple of weeks. I have been running around like a chicken with my head cut off. The kids have all had doctors appointments, on three different days...I actually had a cleaning job to do...god forbid, I actually get paid to clean someones house. LOL...and I also took the smoker..aka Stephanie, to get her license this past Thursday. And...yes....SHE PASSED!!! Talk about adding some stress to my life...Yes, I know I have to let her drive...and Yes...I know I have to let her go...but Jesus Christ....its not as easy as all that...let me tell ya....She now drives my son to school in the morning, which is really very helpful.And she drives herself to and from school AND work. It really is helpful. But, holy SHIT...your heart is in your throat the entire time you think she is actually on the road. The first day she drove, I made her call me the second she pulled into school. Because I told her, under NO circumstances is she to answer her cell phone while she is driving. Or make a call. I told her I didn't even care if it was God himself calling to warn her that he would be taking her life in a car accident in five minutes...DO NOT ANSWER THAT DAMN PHONE!!! So...she is later getting home from school than I thought she should be. And what the F??? Its not like I can call her and ask if everything is alright...cuz I just know she will answer that damn phone....LOL...ahhh well...she made it home just fine...and to work...and then she drove herself and her brother and sister to her grandma's house, so they could spend the night. Talk about weird. It is getting a little better, but I know now, it will never be the same...I will now walk around with my heart in my throat for the rest of their lives...cuz God knows, it just gets harder from year, my son gets HIS permit, and I have to go thru it alllll over got five years to go with Libby, but apparently time is just flying faster and faster the older I get, so obviously, it's gonna be like next week.
Then yesterday, we had the triplets' 7 birthday party. What a fricken madhouse. The pile of gifts those boys get are really actually babysat them Saturday nite while their mom and dad went to a party...we discussed the birthday gift in ....Aunt Coco wasn't getting them told them if, after all their gifts were opened, if there was something they DIDN'T get, to let me know...and we would discuss it then...LOL...yeah...they were actually fine with that...cuz they know that I am the "poor", needless to say...when I went home after the party, they told me I was off the hook..but that I would have to at least spend the day with them on their actual birthday...which is this Friday...well...naturally, I can do that....they are just tooo sweet.
My husband has actually gotten a job offer down in Palm Beach. Which is way away from where we are. We wouldn't be moving; he would work ten days on, and come home for 4 days..and so on. He is a little concerned, because he will be making less money to start...but with full benefits...including a retirement plan. Which is something he doesn't get now. Any of it. The only benefits he has at his job has been any money over 40 hrs is off the books...and he also gets so much for all the permits he pulls under his name...he is a licensed well driller, if I hadn't said before. So, the money is good, just no room for improvement. No insurance, no retirement, no chance ever of getting a raise. He works with a guy who has been with their company for like 20 years. He still has never had a raise. His wife, tho, has a job with full benefits, so its not as bad. Ahhh...what to do. I am fine with him being away..I know our relationship can handle something like that. I just worry about any kind of emergency. But, I guess you can't plan for something like that, and all you can do is live your life. And pray for the best. He will be going down there on Monday...he took his vacation time to go.....I told him not to stress about it...if he feels that strongly about the money, he shouldn't take the job. But not to NOT take it for that reason. We will be it if he feels its right for him....Tho...They give him a food allowence and a furnished, its really pretty good.
I don't know...So...thats really about it for me...Im still waiting for my test results for the school...It takes six I should be hearing something soon, altho I am so NOT confident on how I did...god....well...if I didn't do well, I will just have to try again.
And on that...I will be going now...I think I have gone on a great day I'm just gonna enjoy the sunshine and peace and quiet...
Take care
:)Just me
smart ass remarks

3 smart ass remarks

smart ass remarks Blogger Gaelin

Hi Kirsten! Thanks for stopping by again...Your life sounds like it's real buzy at the moment. Mine is too. Ant and I finally tied the knot! I posted some pictures on my flickr site, which you can access via my blog. It was a very small, intimate wedding. Really special :)

Good luck on your tests, you have a good attitude about the whole thing, I think you'll go far.

13 April, 2006 10:59  
smart ass remarks Blogger Ashburnite

ok...I'm going to start calling you "Mike"

17 April, 2006 21:01  
smart ass remarks Blogger Ashburnite

btw- you've been tagged!! Now you HAVE to update!

18 April, 2006 11:24  

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